Mathematical symbols are special characters or notations used to represent mathematical operations, relationships, and concepts.They are universal in mathematics but require understanding in English to describe their meanings and functions.
Mathematical symbols are like a special code used to write math problems and ideas quickly and clearly. They let us write things like “3 plus 2 equals 5” as “3 + 2 = 5”. Learning these symbols is like learning a new vocabulary that helps you understand math better.
This article will provide a basic overview. There are many more specialized symbols used in different branches of mathematics.
Basic Arithmetic Symbols
symbol | meaning | example |
+ | Addition (Plus) | 3 + 2 = 5 (three plus two equals five). |
– | Subtraction (minus) | 7 − 4 = 3 (Seven minus four equals three). |
× | Multiplication (times) | 6 × 2 = 18 (Six times two equals twelve). |
÷ | Division (divided by) | 10 ÷ 2 = 5 (Ten divided by two equals five). |
Equality and Inequality Symbols
= | Equality (equals) | 2 + 2 = 4 (Two plus two equals four). |
≠ | Inequality (does not equal) | 5 ≠ 6= 6 (Five is not equal to six). |
Comparison Symbols
< | less than | 3 < 5 (three is less than five). |
> | greater than | 9 > 2 (nine is greater than two). |
≤ | Less than or equal to | x ≤ 4 (x is less than or equal to four). |
≥ | greater than or equal to | y ≥ 10 (y is greater than or equal to ten). |
Symbols in Specific Areas of Math
∠ ====> angle
° ====> degree
⊥ ====> perpendicular
|| ====> parallel
Δ ====> triangle
Set Theory:
∈ ====> element of
∉ ====> not an element of
⊂ ====> subset of
⊃ ====> superset of
∩ ====> intersection
∪ ====> union
∫ ====> integral
∂ ====> partial derivative
lim ====> limit
Advanced Mathematical Symbols
∫ (Integral): Represents integration.
- ∫f(x)dx (The integral of f of x with respect to x)
Σ (Summation): Represents the sum of a sequence.
- Σi=1ni (The sum of i from 1 to n)
π (Pi): Represents the constant 3.14159…
- C=2πr (The circumference equals two pi times the radius)
∞ (Infinity): Represents an unbounded value.
- x→∞ (x approaches infinity)
% (percent): Represents “out of 100”.
- 50% = 50/100 = 0.5 (fifty percent)
√ (square root) Indicates a number that, when multiplied by itself, gives the original number.
- √9 = 3 (the square root of nine is three)